The Client
SA Water proudly supply water and sewage services to more than 1.7 million South Australians, through over 1,500 employees spread right across the state.
The Challenge
The focus on customers had been piecemeal to date and, while a number of initiatives had been completed and were planned, SA Water was unsure if it was taking the optimal approach and were keen to learn from global leaders. In addition to delivering improved service levels, SA Water also wanted to ensure customers were at the heart of the organisation and decision making.
The Approach
Strativity deployed its customer centricity assessment in order to determine the relative levels of maturity across a number of business dimensions including vision and strategy; experience definition; customer centred design & innovation; customer visibility; and people and culture. An assessment of current performance was provided at a macro level (key themes) and then for each dimension (with supporting evidence). Specific recommendations were then made to move SA Water up the maturity curve. A robust prioritisation process then followed, considering best practice gap and value creation potential. This informed the development of an agreed and optimally sequenced roadmap that balanced customer facing experience improvement with uplift in the capabilities needed to be a more customer centric organisation.
The Results
The program was a great success and the roadmap was endorsed by the leadership team and well executed over the following few years. In addition to improvements in customer satisfaction, there is also now a strengthened customer orientation.