The Client
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) leads the development of safe, integrated and efficient transport systems for the people of NSW.
The Challenge
At the time of Strativity’s engagement, no overarching enterprise-wide, customer listening and measurement program was in operation. Listening and feedback programs were a patchwork of designs, vendors, tools, and metrics employed across the cluster. These programs operated in a siloed, decentralised fashion, with decisions on what listening is done and the nature of feedback sought, determined at the functional level. This significantly impacted usage and analysis. The goal of a safe, efficient, integrated transport system for customers and community, required a VoC program that is equally efficient and integrated.
The Approach
Strativity was engaged to assess the current state of listening and feedback programs and efforts across the TfNSW cluster, and simultaneously, to consider the future vision and high-level requirements for the organisation’s Voice of Customer (VoC) activities. Using a proprietary best practice model, Strativity determined TfNSW’s level of VoC maturity. A high-level vision for TfNSW’s VoC program was crafted, with senior leaders from across the cluster identifying six core themes that should underpin this vision. A roadmap and recommendations for program transformation was crafted.
The Results
The recommendations arising from the VoC assessment focused on developing a coordinated VoC ecosystem for customer and community listening, designing this approach, embedding the agreed design and then enhancing capabilities over time.