Large Aged Care Provider CHCS sized

The Client

Established in 1994, Catholic Healthcare partners with religious orders, parishes, dioceses, and community groups in the provision of aged care across metropolitan and regional NSW. It owns or operates some 40 residential aged care services, 10 retirement living communities and, for its community service clients, Catholic Healthcare’s Home and Community Services (CHCS) currently assists more than 4,200 people in NSW and SE QLD.

The Challenge

An effective and efficient sales model is a ‘mission critical’ element in today’s open and contestable market for in-home, aged care services. The aspiration of the project sponsors was for a more systemised approach to CHCS lead conversion, in which the sales and operational functions were better, and more effectively, aligned.

The Approach

Strativity undertook a strategic assessment of sales, systematising the process so as to maximise lead conversion, simultaneously creating efficiency in business processes.

The Results

As a result of Strativity’s work, the disparate and fragmented approaches historically executed by 9 Regional offices, were coalesced into a new centralised sales function. Category 1 and 2 Home Care Package prospects were processed through a ‘Fast Track’ conversion model, enabling Regional staff persons to focus more on Category 3 and 4 clients and caring for existing aged care clients. Strativity also identified the enablers of a mindset shift whereby the organisation would more readily embrace new clientele and growth (connecting the sales team with the rest of the business and CHCS’s competitive strategy).