The Client
The global cruise line market is fiercely competitive, worth $45bn USD p.a. Royal Caribbean is the second largest player in the sector by revenue, with a turnover in 2018 of $9.2bn USD.
The Challenge
Royal Caribbean sought to differentiate itself within the segment and increase market share by optimising the dining experience customers received in its hospitality outlets.
The Approach
Strativity Group firstly conducted a structured assessment of the current experience being delivered across 5 ships, then interviewed 10 groups of employees to gain their perspective on the experience being delivered, their role in the experience and potential improvement opportunities. From the research, multiple areas for customer experience improvements were identified from complaint handling and resolution through to crew and supervisor mindset shift | customer centric training.
The Results
As a result of Strativity’s work, several experience improvement initiatives were identified and actioned, including: First contact complaint resolution program; Problem resolution measurement program; Governance model for problem resolution; Customised crew member training; Customised supervisor training; Video based train the trainer package, and; an organisation wide customer commitment program. Subsequently, fleet wide, Gold Anchor Quality Review scores experienced double-digit growth.